Article ranks in Google

Article that ranks in Google:
1. Keyword research: Use relevant and specific keywords that people search for to find relevant and high-volume keywords. 2. Content Creation: Write high-quality and engaging content that is informative and valuable for the readers. You can use examples, statistics, data, images, and other multimedia to make your content more engaging and helpful. 3. On-page optimization: Optimize your article by adding the target keyword in the title, meta description. 4. Internal and External Linking: Add internal links to other relevant content on your blog and external links to high-quality sources for more information. It will help readers to stay longer on your blog and also improve the website's authority and ranking. 5. Promote content: Promote your content on social media, email newsletters, and other channels to get more engagement, shares, and backlinks. 6. Optimize for mobile: Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly. Mobile search is growing faster than desktop search, so it's vital to optimize for mobile users. By following these tips, you can create blogger articles that rank higher in Google search results and drive more traffic to your blog.


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